Top 5 Most Weird Biological Anomalies in Humans

There are a number of weird biological anomalies which humans suffer from. Simply defined, these anomalies can be termed as physical disorders or abnormalities. Every year a large number of people suffer from these biological abnormalities. The scientists and researchers have devoted their lives to understanding these variations that take place in human beings. Moreover, as you will read this list of the 5 most weird biological anomalies, you will come to learn that the diseases humans suffer from continue to get more and more weird. In fact, every year, medical science exposes a number of changes in human functioning about which there aren’t enough explanations present. Here is the list.
The Link between Human Behavior and the Sun

The researcher Alexander Chizhevsky is of the view that the solar activity has the power to cause a number of changes on the activities that take place on earth. In his view, each year a number of plane crashes and infestations on earth are caused by the Sun. Moreover, human beings are also influenced by the activity of the Sun. In terms of historical analysis, it has been hypothesized most of the civil wars and revolts took place in times of solar maximum.
The Nasal Cycle

This anomaly can be easily observed in more than 80 % of the people on earth. It involves the change or shift of breathing from one nostril to the next. Both of the nostrils we have function in a manner to provide a constant supply of air, humidification and some warmth to the whole body. A great deal of research is being made now in order to understand why humans come to have the nasal cycle, but still no plausible explanation is there that can account for the 80 % people who experience it.
Anesthesia Awakening

Surely, anesthesia is effective in influencing the consciousness in most of the people. In other words, through its administration most of the people lose consciousness. But there are some who are less susceptible to this effectuation and can remain awake under the action of this dose. These people are able to hear the conversations taking place around them and also experience more pain in comparison to the ones who are entirely unconscious. Yes, there are chances that a person might have remained awake all because the dose had not been given in a heavy quantity, but still there are those who remain awake regardless of the size of the dose administered. This form of awakening is indeed one of the most weird biological anomalies.

It can be described as the sense in the animals to detect any forms of magnetic field in their surroundings. This awareness enables them in getting an idea about their direction and location in relation to other objects. There are also a number of other definitions that are present for the explanation of this special sense in animals. In case of humans, some scientists are of the view that it may be possible. Moreover, some magnetic bones have been traced in the human nose. But whether we are aware of the magnetic fields or not remains a big question.
Sexual Variations and Drives

Now here we have a really bizarre and truly weird behavior in humans. Being humans we do experience sexual drives and desires, but some people are always under the influence of these drives much more than the usual. Science has failed to offer some rational explanations about why people come to develop weird sexual drives and motives. In the domain of psychiatry, this anomaly has been named as Paraphilia. It remains one of the most weird biological anomalies known to man.


  1. Guess that kind of explains why I know which way is North regardless where I am, including being spun around in a white room and consistently pointing to the North afterwards.
