10 Bizarre Car Crash Stories

The Man Who Wanted to Renew his License, but Crashed into the Licensing Office

In 2010, a man who wanted to renew his driver's license crashed into the Department of Licensing office in Spokane Valley, Washington. The crash happened around 1:00 p.m. Authorities say the driver was arriving at the DOL to renew his license. While pulling into a parking spot his foot slipped off the brake and onto the gas. That's when the driver jumped the curb and went about 3/4 of the way through the building.

The Man Who Crashed into a Restaurant, then Ordered a Pizza

In January 2013, it was reported that an elderly man got his foot stuck on the accelerator of his car and drove into a Valentino's pizza restaurant in Lincoln, USA. While other concerned citizens called 911, the man placed an order for a pizza from inside his car!

The man's car, a Honda Fit, was the perfect size to fit right through the door of the restaurant. "He seemed very calm and collected. I was amazed," said a bystander. The driver was taken to the hospital as a precaution, but he didn't appear to be hurt or in shock about what had happened.

The Car Crash that Actually Saved the Trucker's Life

Car crashes can be tragic, but in this case it was precisely what saved a man's life. In 2011, Richard M. Paylor, a 55-year-old trucker from Pennsylvania, told city police that he was driving the rig west at about 9 AM when he started to choke on a piece of apple and blacked out. The next thing he knew, his truck had smashed through the concrete barrier near Lancaster Avenue.

Investigators confirmed that the apple was dislodged when Paylor smacked his chest against the steering wheel, and the Police recovered a chunk of apple from the dashboard. "This accident saved his life," said Lt. Madison Winchester. Paylor was treated and quickly released from the hospital.

The Woman Who Stole a Truck and Crashed into the Police Station

In 2012, 27-year-old Amanda Jeffries stole a white pickup truck and, after confirming the theft with the owner, police pursued Jeffries for about four minutes. The chase ended when Jeffries crashed right into the administration offices of the downtown San Angelo police headquarters!

The Woman Whose Car Was So Trashy that it Caused an Accident

Can you stop your car with your feet like The Flintstones? It seems you can't.

In 2011, the Police Deparment from Roseville arrested a 24-year-old man who tried to use his feet to brake his moving car and failed, hitting four cars along the way. The Fred Flintstone wannabe, a roofer from Warren, was driving on a suspended license and was cited for Reckless Driving in the incident, in which police said he was completely sober but “overly tired.” He “will face a judge in September, to explain his moronic decision making,” said Deputy Chief James Berlin in a statement.

The Car Crash that Crushed the World's Longest Fingernails

Lee Redmond of Salt Lake City, Utah was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest fingernails in the world --28 feet (8.5 meters) long-- as she hadn't cut them since 1979.

She kept the record until 2009, when she escaped a four car pile up but lost her nails. She was hospitalized with serious, but not life-threatening, injuries after being ejected from the seat of an SUV where she was a passenger. "[Her nails] were damaged beyond repair," reported the BBC, quoting Guinness World Records, who also said that Redmond's nails were "a fundamental part of her life and unique character." The 68-year-old won't grow her nails out again, saying it took 30 years the first time and she may not live for another 30.

The Man Who Tried to Stop His Car like The Flintstones but Couldn't

Can you stop your car with your feet like The Flintstones? It seems you can't.

In 2011, the Police Deparment from Roseville arrested a 24-year-old man who tried to use his feet to brake his moving car and failed, hitting four cars along the way. The Fred Flintstone wannabe, a roofer from Warren, was driving on a suspended license and was cited for Reckless Driving in the incident, in which police said he was completely sober but “overly tired.” He “will face a judge in September, to explain his moronic decision making,” said Deputy Chief James Berlin in a statement.

The Lady Who Crashed into Two Businesses in Two Days with Two Cars

In 2012, 66-year-old Mary Hasselberger was behind the wheel during car accidents occurring at two separate businesses in two days. “Maybe she's getting her brake and accelerator confused,” said Sgt. Lou Cammiso, although it doesn't make much sense, considering that the suspect was driving two different vehicles.

The first accident occurred on Thursday afternoon, when police in Naperville, IL, say the woman plowed her Ford Taurus through a wooden fence separating a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot from a private residence. The vehicle barreled into the yard until it hit a tree and a bench.

The next afternoon, the woman was driving a rented Buick Lacrosse when she allegedly crashed through the wall of an Eye Care Center located just three doors down from the site of the first accident. Repairs were estimated at $50,000.

The Teen Who Stole a Car, Saw his Mom in the other Lane and Crashed

In 2012, a 13-year-old New Jersey boy stole a car, but when he saw his mother driving in the opposite lane he became so distracted that he crashed into a tree. He was treated for a broken nose and a hip injury at an area hospital. Geez.. moms can be SO embarrassing!

The 2-Year-Old Who Drove a Truck Into House

In June 2013, Kathleen and George Williams from Grayson, GA came back home to find that someone drove a red pickup truck into their house, and it turned out that it was a 2-year-old.

A neighbor across the street admitted to police that he was unloading the pickup with his toddler in the cab, and the boy managed to put the truck in gear. The vehicle then "rolled down at a fairly slow speed across the street." The crash broke gas and water lines, two windows, and left a large hole in the outside wall, but the Williams say they aren't angry with their neighbor because it was only an accident.


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