Never get stuck in a traffic jam again! Flying car switches between land and sky - and can reach a top speed of 124mph

An incredible flying car has been developed to let drivers skip traffic jams and take to the skies.
The vehicle can be driven on normal roads as well as being flown as a two-seater airplane, as it is able take off and land at any airport, 'opening the door to real door-to-door travel,' according to a Slovakian company.
Named the AeroMobil 2.5, the hybrid invention was unveiled at AeroTech, an airshow exhibition held in Montreal.

Up, Up and away: The AeroMobil 2.5 has a top speed of 124mph when it is airborne and can accommodate two passengers

Built from light-weight steel framework and carbon coating, when converted into a plane, the vehicle measures 8.2m wide and 6m long to accommodate two people. When the wings are stowed (pictured) it measures 1.6m wide

Roadworthy: The vehicle can be driven on normal roads as well as being flown as a two-seater airplane, as it is able take off and land at any airport, 'opening the door to real door-to-door travel' according to the Slovakian company. Stefan Klein, co-founder of the company, is pictured sitting in the vehicle

Here, it is possible to see how much the car's wings look like those of a conventional small airplane. They fold up to allow the vehicle to be driven like a normal car on the road

The flying car is powered by a large propeller at its rear. The company has been working on the concept to try and develop a vehicle that could become an 'integral part' of the regular ways that people travel

The AeroMobil comes in to land. It is designed to be used at any airport and its creators believe the concept will allow the next generation of door-to-door travel

AeroMobil has been developing the concept of a flying car since 1990. This image is a pre-prototype illustration

Here, experts look at the rear of the hybrid vehicle, which measures six metres in length and has a propeller to power it in flight

The vehicle, which weighs 450kg, has a take-off speed of 90mph and a range of 430 miles as an airplane

The company claims the vehicle can be parked in a standard parking space and is accustomed to road traffic. Here, the wings of the car are unfurled as the vehicle prepares for take off



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