6D Motorcycle Helmets Might Just Save Your Life

It pays to play it safe, especially when you’re on the road. Thousands of motorists die every year in accidents; while there’s no surefire way or system to eliminate these unfortunate occurrences entirely, there are some things that you can wear on your head to cushion the blow or install on your bike.

On a related note, 6D has come up with a redesigned motorcycle helmet that’s supposed to help reduce concussions. I think its a given that anyone who owns or rides a bike should have a helmet; they’re probably the most important bike accessories around in the first place. 6D’s helmet is described as having elastomeric dampers that absorb the force of low-speed impacts, which is where most traditional styro-and-shell helmets often fail.

The gel dampers in 6D’s helmets will cushion the fall in low speed situations (below 9mph). Note that styro-and-shell helmets work best during impact situations at above 9mph.


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